If a disaster struck your area and damaged your home, would you be prepared to respond? A lot of people, including me, fall into the "Not-Prepared Category." I became very aware of that fact last night. Our area was under a tornado warning and the sky was getting really eerie-looking and dark. Then the winds picked up and the rain started coming down. I was frantically searching for the battery-powered radio and flashlights "just in case" something happened. Then I realized that I didn't even know where we should all huddle, in the basement, if the sirens went off.
I mean, How Dumb is That??!!
This is NOT the time to be "pulling an ostrich!"
So, with that in mind, there is no better time than the present to start getting prepared. I have searched online and found some excellent tips.
Be Prepared
Following are tips from experts on how to be prepared for emergencies:
Build a kit
Have a three-day supply of nonperishable food and water for each family member, medicines, sanitation and hygiene supplies, a first-aid kit, baby supplies if needed, matches, flashlight and extra batteries, a change of clothes, basic kitchen utensils, money, photocopies of identification and credit cards, pet supplies if needed and a whistle in case you are trapped in the basement.
Make a plan
Meet with family members and discuss how to respond in an emergency, including how to evacuate from your home, where you would meet if separated and an out-of-area emergency contact person. It may be easier to text or call long distance if local phone lines are overloaded. Have emergency contact information in writing or programmed into your cell phone.
Be informed
During an emergency, monitor local news media or NOAA Weather Radio. (This is where a good, sturdy, battery-powered or hand-cranked generator radio comes in handy!)
Get more info
What is in your emergency-readiness kit? How have you prepared??