Pictures of Pontiac Marching Band Competition 09/25/10
It was Wet...
And It was Cold...
But they tried their hardest...
And received a 2nd Place and Best Percussion in their Class!!
It was Wet...
And It was Cold...
This giveaway runs through Sept. 17 at 11:59 CT.
Hope you are all having a Fantastic Friday!
"It can be difficult to give up things that we might consider "vices." For you, that might be the daily latte. For me, it's always been comic books. (Sad, but true.) These are constant money drains, but they also bring joy to our lives. Instead of giving these things up, I encourage folks to find ways to reduce them, or to save on them.But to really save money, look for ways to reduce recurring monthly expenses. These are constant drags to your budget, and if you can reduce them, it's a great way to improve your cash flow. " Excerpt from, "Your Money: The Missing Manual," by J.D. Roth