Flowers, Chocolate, Jewelry. Those items spell one thing to me. Money. It's nice to be acknowledged and appreciated on Mother's Day, but I always hate for my offspring to dole out cash for material items. Yes, it is sweet that they are thinking of me, but you know what? The BEST gifts are those that come from the heart.
My favorite Mother's Day gifts from my kiddos have been the ones that they made themselves. When my two were little, they'd color me pictures, pick flowers from the yard (yes, even dandelions, LOL) that I would put in a vase and admire, or even make me a snack to eat for breakfast: I say snack, because one year it was peanut butter crackers. But those were the BEST peanut butter crackers I ever ate! :)
This year, instead of focusing on what you can buy your Mom, think outside the box. Write her a little note and let her know how much you appreciate her. Call her on the phone and ask her about her day, instead of the other way around. If she lives nearby, take her a plate of homemade cookies and include a framed pic of the two of you that she can display on her table. Better yet, attach a magnet to the back of it and she can hang it on her fridge! Is Mom a gardener or enjoys flowers? Instead of spending big bucks at the florist, visit your local greenhouse and pick up some pretty potted flowers (or herbs). It only takes a little bit of time and creativity to make an inexpensive gift that Mom will surely love. Check out these creative ideas to wrap potted plants.
Love using essential oils? There are many ways to make inexpensive gifts using those oils. One of my favorites is to make a linen spritzer. It's so easy to make and so appreciated as a gift, especially if you make one that uses essential oils that are calming and relaxing. And we all know that if there is one thing that Mom's crave, it is peace, quiet, and calm! :)
Momma's R&R Linen Spray
1 Cup water
1 tablespoon inexpensive vodka
40 drops of Lavender essential oil
8 oz spray bottle
To use, just shake & spray!
You can even mix and match to create your own one-of-a-kind blend! For example, use Lavender&Geranium, Lavender&Rose, Lavender&Sage....the possibilities are endless. Wrap a bit of twine or a piece of lace around the neck of the bottle, attach a little card and voilĂ ...beautiful, handmade gift!
I have a Organic Carrier Oil Giveaway going on right now over at my other blog! There are eight days left to enter!! Be sure to head over HERE and get in on the action!!! :)