Definitely prepare a list before you go shopping. This will cut down on buying those "impulse items."
Look through Sale Ads and Clip Coupons. No, you don't have to be an extreme couponer and spend hours and hours clipping coupons. I know that I don't and I still manage to save quite a bit at the stores. I have a few favorite stores that I like to shop at. I browse the ads, look through my coupon stash, clip the ones that I'll be needing, and off I go. With just a little planning and preparation, it is possible to save at least 20% off of your bill. On some trips, that amount can be as high as 30-40%.
Buy from the Flyer. Grocery stores put their loss leaders on the front page of their store flyers to attract customers. The hope is that customers will buy other full price groceries but smart shoppers buy what's on sale. Plan your meals around the sales rather than decide what to have for dinner and shop for it. This can cut your food budget in half. Is chicken on sale this week? Then, that is what's for dinner. This has worked well for me.
Stock Up. To really save money on your grocery budget in the long term, buy non-perishable sale items in bulk. These items will store quite nicely in your pantry and it means that you may never have to buy certain items at full price again. Sales happen in cycles and, if you buy enough to get you to the next sale of the item, you can save significantly.
Eat in Season. Food that has to be shipped thousands of miles isn't cheap. You may have to pay $3.99 a pound for tomatoes in the winter when in the summer, you would pay $1.29. Going back to eating what is in season in your local area throughout the year will save your wallet. As an added bonus, in-season produce is often tastier.
Buy generic products whenever possible. I do not mind generic store brands if they can save me money. Find what works for you and switch to generic brands for at least a part of your grocery list.
Eat at home more often. Life is busy nowdays, and if both hubby and wife are working, it can seem overwhelming to prepare and cook food at home. Start small and work from there. Invest in a crockpot; it'll literally pay for itself in no time at all. And the benefit of a nice, hot, home-cooked meal that is ready to eat when you get home is priceless!
Bottle your own water. This seems like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at how many people buy into that "bottled is better" theory. If you don't like the taste of your tap water, invest in a filter for your faucet. In the long run, you'll save $$!
Do you have any tips to add to this list? Let me know!! :)