Thursday, April 7, 2011


This morning, I woke up feeling the need for laughter...seriously...sometimes I just crave something FUNNY!  I also knew that I wanted to post something on this blog about tax time.  It is already April 7 and the tax deadline is coming closer and closer....and for some people, that means REFUND (providing that the government doesn't shut down).....that's a whole 'nother story!)

Anyhoo....I was cruising the internet highway and found some really hilarious tips on spending your tax return over at Won't Change The World.  I made a few changes here and there, to the original find.  Hope you enjoy them!!

1.   Give your tax return to me.  Seriously!  I'll spend it wisely!!  ;)

2.   Twinkies. Spend the entire return on Twinkies. I know food is often not a long term investment. Trust me when I say, Twinkies will last longer than you do. HA!

3.   Adopt fifty cats. This is a win for everybody involved. The animal shelters are over crowded and the cats need a home. Some people spend all their lives becoming the Cat Lady (or Man), you can do it in a weekend!

4.   Keep buying the same pair of pants from Goodwill and donate the pants back anonymously. Watch with pleasure as you confound the staff. The pants will become legend.

5.   Spend the entire wad on stamps and thank you cards. Thank random people listed in the phone book for strange things. “Ted, love the chinchilla!”

6.   Buy everyone at a bar a drink… of warm milk. Sing lullabies until you are kicked out.

7.   Hire a bodyguard to follow you around work. When co-workers inquire, look around, tell them the location of your last vacation, touch your nose, and scamper away. Then use all your vacation and sick time to disappear for a while. Let one of your co-workers “discover” you in the parking lot, disheveled and in tattered clothing.

8.   Married by Elvis in Vegas. Sometimes, memories are worth more than money.

9.   Give it to your dog to invest...he/she could probably do a better job than some of those fancy-pants financial advisors....and, it'd be cheaper!!  :P

10.  Hand random strangers dollar bills...tell them it fell from the sky.  Watch as everyone starts looking up.  Walk away...far away...  ;)

Feel free to add your own Funny below...Keep it Funny, though; anything serious will be deleted ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................>

HAHA!!! GOTCHA!!  ;)



  1. lOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

  2. 11. Spend a ridiculous amount of money on a prom dress that your daughter will wear ONCE. Okay, so she'll be beautiful, but....

    (oh yeah, I did this one last weekend. Oops!)

  3. FUNNY!! I particularly like the becoming a cat lady one. :)

  4. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come on over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  5. 12. Buy all of the pillows that you can find and pile them up in a parking lot. Put a trampoline next to it, and then offer to let people jump onto the pile of pillows. Just be sure not to lose anyone in there.

  6. People will enjoy the stress reliever.

  7. You had me at Twinkies... That's what I'd like to do if my husband didn't have a say...

  8. Lin, way to go, Ms. Spendthrift!!! LOL LOL :)
    It was a lovely dress, though!!!!!!

    revjen...if I get anymore cats, I will become the neighborhood cat lady!!! haha!!

    Lloyd...I stopped by your blog! :)

    Dawnmarie....That's a good one!!!! ;)

    McVal...I know...aren't Twinkies amazing!! ;)

  9. Oh how funny!!! I'm loving the random thank you notes! May get a knock on the door from the local crazy farm for doing any of those, but still hilarious!

  10. Reagan, I loved the random thank you note also! I had to laugh at just picking a name and sending a note!!! LOL ;)

  11. Thanks for making me chuckle! I am following back from Mommy Masters. Thanks so much for finding my blog, commenting and following!!!!

  12. I would Hire two Private Investigators to follow each other

  13. Hey there, Philadelphia! Your comment made me crack up laughing....I read it to my hubby and he even got a chuckle out of it!!! ;)
